The Book of Azrael

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“He was gorgeous, in a wants-me-dead kind of way.”

Nicole created a vibrant world with deadly creatures. In The Book of Azrael we have a God fallen from grace and a monster created from love. They are not so different, Liam and Dianna. Liam was broken from grief. He let all other feelings fall away. He became a shell of who he had once been. Dianna was a monster created for the sole purpose of saving the person she loved most in the world. She holds her humanity in a vice grip and craves love and affection. The complicated feelings and torturous build up to their love story was heartbreaking and frustrating. The ending has left me shocked. What will happen to their relationship when the one tether Dianna had on her humanity is taken away. Will Liam pull her back like she has in this book? Does the world truly end, or just his?

“Dianna, you are already dangerous. Now let’s make you lethal.”

Rating: 3 out of 5.

February 3, 2025